- linked survey: now you can see survey stored in other files without importing data in the current survey;
- added missing pens in SVG export;
- optimized code per x-section design bindings to centerline;
- better calculation error management;
- new graphics for first and last path points;
- added support for additional data from TopoDroid (magnetic field data and distox mac address);
- new LRUD calculate from design function;
- added linked survey options to csurvey file format import;
- added calculation error in case of wrong geographics settings;
- new design warping function: now, in case of calculation error, warping pause and automatic restart when calculate is ok;
- new default session ui;
- added global tag to station’s name;
- new station’s list rewrited from scratch;
- new workspace management (for multimonitor or notebook configuration);
- other minor implementations (see forum for details).
- fixed a lot of bugs (see forum for details)